Nikki Dodd
County Clerk
As your County Clerk it is my mission to:
Continually strive to improve the delivery of our services and utilize the latest technology where possible to promote the highest level of customer service.
Ensure public confidence, trust, and goodwill by treating our customers with respect, dignity and in an equitable manner.
Preserve, protect, and maintain our County records from the patents issued in the land run to the documents filed today in the most cost-effective manner.
P.O. Box 73
Hobart, OK 73651
Office Hours:
8:00am – 4:00pm
Duties and Responsibilities
The County Clerk is responsible for a wide range of duties that are set out in the Oklahoma State Statues. The Clerk is elected into office every four years by the residents of Kiowa County.
Serve as Secretary to the Kiowa County Board of Commissioners; attend Commissioner meetings; prepare and post agendas and keep meeting minutes; maintain proceedings of Commissioners meeting, including all contracts and agreements entered into by the County.
Provide support to the Annual Budget process and prepare monthly and special meeting agendas.
Serve as Secretary to the County Excise Board, which is responsible for final approval of the County Budget and property tax levy.
Receives and compiles all budgets submitted by cities, towns and school districts in the County; presents budgets to the County Excise Board and on the State Auditor’s Office.
Receives all claims filed against the County.
Serves as records keeper for the County. All documents relating to real estate i.e. deeds, mortgages, mineral interests, plats liens, judgments as well as State and Federal liens and military discharge records. All records are open to the public under the State’s Open Records Act.
Is also secretary for the Equalization Board, Tax Roll Correction Board, and the Kiowa County Industrial Development Authority Board.
The County Clerk is responsible for all Payroll, Inventory, Accounts Payable, and process all Purchase Orders.

Tracy Ferguson
1st Deputy / Land Records
Tracy started in January 2018 and is in charge of Overseeing the Land Records Department and she is also the Inventory Office for the County.

Tammy Nash
Purchasing Agent